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A Presidential Debate Preview?

Cam Edwards [1] came up with what is perhaps a preview to the re-election.

This was blogged by Margaret Kieler. I hadn’t seen it for a while and decided to repost.
Kerry cannot beat Bush. Imagine the debate:

Kerry–The No Child Left Behind Act is not working.
Bush–You voted for it.

Kerry–The Patriot Act is unconsitutional.
Bush–You voted for it.

Kerry–The War in Iraq was wrong.
Bush–You voted for it and then didn’t vote to give $87 Billion to help the troops.

Kerry–The working people of America will be worse off now that they cannot get overtime.
Bush–You were too busy campaigning to vote against the Omnibus bill.

Kerry–The war on drugs is not successful.
Bush–You perpetuate the problem by pretending to smoke a joint during a rally in Iowa.

Kerry–The problems of race still exist in America.
Bush–You thought the historical significance of letter X on the baseball
cap of a man was the number 10. I’m a moron but I still understand what it is.

Kerry–The Medicare Bill steals from our seniors.
Bush–You didn’t vote for or against it.

(And a couple more from BCMW)

Kerry–I’m going to stand up for the rights of average Americans.
Bush–You are a multi-millionaire.

Kerry–It’s time to kick lobbyists out of Washington DC and give government back to the people.
Bush–You’ve received hundreds of thousands of dollars from lobbyists.