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Michael J. Totten: Bush Vs. Kerry

When Totten is wrong, I’ll set him on fire, as I did recently [1].

So, when he’s right, it’s only fair for me to point it out, particularly when he is dramatically so. Such is the case in his postingBush Vs. Kerry [2]:

“So it looks like John Kerry is it.
And therefore I’m out.
I would have voted for John Edwards had the Democratic Party chosen him as the nominee. Heck, I would have voted a straight-Democratic ticket next year if that’s how it went down. But it didn’t, and so I won’t. I can’t.
Until further notice, this blog officially supports George W. Bush for president in 2004.
I will not be his cheerleader. Though I will defend him from scurrilous charges, I don’t like the man, and I never have. I appreciate very much what he has accomplished in the realm of foreign policy, as anyone who reads this blog with any regularity knows. And there is simply no way I can vote for his opponent who has spent the past year whining about every good thing we are doing and have done in the Middle East. This is by far the most important task now and ahead of us.”

I’m a little uncomfortable, though; I’d be interested to see where he thinks Edwards would have been any different as to policy, than Kerry, particularly enough to cause him to lean toward the senseless act of a straight-line Democrat vote.

Personally, I’ve NEVER voted straight line ANYTHING.