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The Role of Blogs And Other ‘alternative’ News Paths in This Election

I want to bring to your attention something on Limbaugh’s show of yesterday, to establish a point.


RUSH: Now, here’s Jim Angle on Fox yesterday. This was Special Report with Brit Hume. He’s explaining how the White House employed Fox to try and destroy the credibility of Richard Clarke. Here’s Jim Angle admitting that Fox doesn’t care a whit about the news, they’re simple tools of the White House.

ANGLE: Often White House officials speak on background, which means you can attribute it to a senior administration official.

HUME: But no name.

ANGLE: But no name. They do that for all sorts of reasons, often diplomatic niceties, because they don’t want to refer to another country. In this particular case, this was on background, there was an argument about the sourcing on this, it was five reporters who were on a conference call. At the time we argued about it, it was National Security Council spokesman who had insisted that it be on background. Clarke himself has spoken publicly about this frequently. The NSC insisted that had it be on background at the time, but let us identify him as a counterterrorism official.

HUME: And you found the tape and what happened?

ANGLE: I found the tape, went to them and said, “can we lift it?” They agonized over it for a while and finally said yes. So the same people that put the restrictions on are the people who lifted the restrictions.

HUME: And we didn’t use it until after the restrictions had been lifted?

ANGLE: That is that correct. And all the other reporters who were on that call were now told that the restrictions have been lifted.

RUSH: Yeah, and that’s the key, right there, all the reporters on that call. When is it that a reporter, I mean, folks, when’s the last time a reporter wants to suppress news? Well, I can answer that myself. Yeah, it’s bad question. I can answer that myself. No, this is classic. So all the reporters in this conference call that were on this session here with Clarke were given permission. None of them except Fox thought it was newsworthy. What does that tell you?

The reason I quote this passage of Rush’s show in such detail is to set up a point. It’s one I’ve made before, but this passage of Rush’s show yesterday points it up so well… Where are all the other “reporters” that were in on this conference call? All of THEM got clearance on using that transcript at the same time Angle did. Why was Angle alone in releasing it?

The reason is simple;

The left, of which the ‘mainstream’ news channels are a part, don’t WANT this story going out. Think I’m kidding? Look down the page a bit at the Ann Coulter bit I quoted yesterday.

It’s fortunate for us, that there are other avenues of news so we can get the complete picture.. The one the news media would rather we didn’t see.

It is those other choices for news, that are allowing us to see what the whole story is, that is causing the left so much problem. Fox News, and the web, are increasingly America’s source for news because, simply put, the American people don’t trust the so-called ‘mainstream press’ anymore. The Avalanche has started now, and the left cannot stop it.

To my fellow Bloggers, I will make the point that it’s you, and sites like Matt Drudge’s, and so on that are helping to win minds, as well. I will echo Matt Drudge’s point:

Unlike the old mainstream media, this new medium is beyond the controlling reach, and for most of it, beyond the very understanding of the left. For every lie that Kerry and his supporters lay on the American people and the world, there’s 10,000 Bloggers out there with search engines to call them on it… it’s happened time and again, and is in fact what has caused the wholly different dynamic to this election cycle. 

As a result, you’re going to see them getting more and more desperate in their charges and their rethoric.  We’ve already seen some of it, but I submit what we’ve seen so far is nothing as compared to what we will see between now and November ’04, as they see the chances of their regaining power going further and further out of reach.

The socialist left is losing, and will as a result ‘lose it’.

It’s our job, I think, to record this happening.
We’re already making it happen.