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Kerry Camp Offers Some But Not All Military Records

My Way News [1] is reporting:

WASHINGTON (AP) – Amid questions about his military records, John Kerry’s campaign on Tuesday provided documentation of Vietnam War injuries that included shrapnel wounds to his arms, legs and buttocks that earned him three Purple Hearts.

Kerry spokesman Michael Meehan said the campaign was in the process of compiling the rest of Kerry’s naval record and planned to begin posting it on Kerry’s Web site by day’s end. Kerry said all his military records are available to the public during an appearance Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Of course, as is usually the case with Kerry, we’re getting stonewalled….they’re still not available.
Kerry has a history of this. Health records. Tax records, Wife’s tax records, navy records, navy reserve records…. all held up… Kerry won’t release them, after demanding it of President Bush.

Release the records Mr. Kerry.


DO what you demand of others. The voters are not stupid, Mr. Kerry, stop treating us like we are. Don’t just *say* you’re doing it and expect that to get by.

Isn’t it time you stopped lying to the American people, Mr. Kerry?