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Michelle Malkin [1] complains she’s been having some problems with SiteMeter, and reports she’s taken it off her site.

“I note for the record that I took Sitemeter off my site about three weeks ago because it was publishing traffic numbers phonier than Enron’s. I think it wiped out about a week’s worth of visits for some reason. I e-mailed Sitemeter for help and they never wrote me back. So I took it off the blog”

Can’t say as I blame her much. I’ve not been very happy with the numbers here, either. I recognize that things will vary some but please explain to be why my hit numbers for Sundays are so abysmal.. and why, for example, about half of my own attempts at the site never seem to show up on SiteMeter. If it’s dropping me so often, I know darned good and well it’s dropping others.

I’m keeping it at the moment, because the TTLB system is tied to it. But I can be talked out of that, as well. And it won’t take much.