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Targeting Protest

072504145930–Rochester, NY
It is, perhaps, fitting that this first column I’ve written directly to this new website, is being written as the Democrats are spinning up all systems in Boston for their coronation…. Errr… convention. The event, after all, provides us who are bloggers, with what can only be described as a target rich environment.

Well, frankly, it’s been somewhat less target rich than it might be. The assumed nominee, John Kerry, has been taking a decidedly low-key stance these last few weeks, apparently trying to give his detractors nothing to shoot at, so to speak. If you don’t say anything they can’t be critical of what you say. Thus the public debate over the worthiness of John Kerry for the office of President of these United States, and the validity of his stated policies, is once again strangled.

This kind of thinking apparently is also involved in the establishment of a so-called “Free Speech zone” which you see here. It’s so far away from the convention as to be laughable. There is no chance in hell the delegates will ever see this area, nor will they ever see the protests it contains… which in fact is it’s purpose. This is reinforced by the idea that the delegates aren’t even leaving Fleet Center for Meals; the DNC is providing. Apparently so they don’t interact with people who disagree with the DNC.

This point led to another protest from a local business owner, that I BitsBlogged about last week. The owner of one Pizza shop was forced to close his shop.. and left a sign on his shop, speaking his political mind. The Democrats are of course suing the owner, trying to get him to remove the sign… another attempt at the strangulation of protest.

It’s interesting to note that The Democrats, who have long complained about President Bush being isolated from the leftist Brownshirt Brigade, are now quietly about setting up and managing their own methods of strangling protest.

And isn’t that amazing? Consider that most forms of organized protest comes from the left…. Specifically, the FAR left. Think further; if the Democrats are so sure that they represent so great a number of people, how is it that they seek to stifle the free speech of those at the very root of their party?

Perhaps the Democrats are not willing to allow America to actually see and hear those at the root of their own party? People like these, for example, who showed up at the Funeral of President Ronald Reagan.:

Yes, my freinds, this is the heart and soul of the Democrat party. Undertsnadable why the Democrats don’t want you, the voter, to see this just before an election. Then too, they decidedly don’t want you to see it’s the heart and soul of their party to be drawing comparisons between Mr. Bush and Hitler, such as:

And, given the ovberwhemling support for our militaryt and Mr. Bush’s efforts in the Middle East, I suppose they’re not interested in you seeing the heart and soul of their party calling for Murder within the ranks of our military.

In looking at this (and many others that didn’t make the cut for bandwidth reasons) one can readily understand why it is that the Democrats don’t want to have the voice of the people…. People they claim support them… gets out. A real image problem for The DNC, I think. Apparently, so do they.

But more, now… Word on the street is the REAL people are showing up; Many, many pro-Bush protests are preparing to show up for the party… and they are decidedly an image problem for Kerry and Company. Folks like these, for example:

Perhaps the Democrat leaders are simply worried that their old friend… protest, will be used against them. Freedom, in their view, is apparently just ducky, so long is they come out on top.

The Democrats know that this week is all about image for them… and they need desperately, to control the image of them that is projected to the nation.

Which raises an interesting, and perhaps the central question for the next week;

Who will find themselves restricted to the ‘free speech zone” in Boston”?

Will it be the protestors bought and paid for by Millionaire George Soros? Will it be the members of Move-On.org, Or will the population of that so-called “Free Speech Zone” be limited to those, both left and right, who would cause red faces at the DNC, if their voices were actually allowed to be heard by America?

Oh.. and as a side note, what of the Union Picket lines? Are these not protests? After all, if the picket line is in the “Free Speech Zone” Democrats don’t have to cross the picket line.

Looks like by the end of this week, the Democrats with their actions and their double standards, will have provided us with a few targets, after all.