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Bit’sBit: Is It Time for the Democrats Go Out of Business?

Is it time for the Democrats to disband their party? I address that in this week’s Bits Bit: Is it time for the Democrats go out of business? [1]

“The Democratic Party in years past had much to commend it. That situation, however, has long since ceased to be, as the more radical elements in the party have taken over, and their electoral losses are connected directly to the degree that the left takes over….. Democrats are in trouble today because they have been taken over by the far extreme of their own party, and refuse to recognize it, or else are deathly afraid to make any complaint about it, for fear of being excommunicated from the party. The message clearly has been sent to the rank and file of the Democrat party: Lockstep or step off. And nobody within the party, dares stand up to the Democratic party’s radicals. Thus are the Democrats are destroying THEMSELVES… mostly by holding silence about what they see. The degree to which the Democrats lose voters is directly connected to the amount to which they bow to their extreme left wing. And they still don’t understand this, or are unwilling to admit it and act on it.”