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Kofi Annan Must Go… But the UN with It.

Norm Coleman writes in today’s WSJ that Kofi Annan Must Go [1]. And while I have no question that this is a well-thought, well- intentioned bit, I find myself wondering just a bit.

Let’s please be at least honest enough to understand that the issue doesn’t stop with Kofi Anan, or his kid, nor do the problems stop there. The sheer size of the corruption being shown now in UNscam, is far too large for any one man, and even too large for a group of evil minded indviduals.  The problem, here is with the funtion and structure of the UN itself.

The US should remove all funding from the UN, seek it’s removal from these shores, under threat of force if need be.. and in the interests of our own national security, the US should remove itself from any treaties, contracts and agreements estblished in the UN.

At which point, it wouldn’t matter who was running the UN; they’d be even less relevant to us than they are today. And I daresay the world would by far be more secure.