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Neuharth Calls for Pullout in Iraq, Bithead Calls for Neuharth’s Head.

OK, just in case there was a doubt in anyone’s mind…

Al Al Neuharth?s a bilthering idiot.

Are we clear on this?

Editor and Publisher is running a note [1] about his USELESS TOADY column yesterday. E&P reports the response was more or less evenly divided between support and disdain…. but they failed to mention that you’d expect that from the readers of that leftist rag, in any event.

What Al Neuharth refuses to understand is exactly what Boortz said yesterday. You do have Boortz on your daily read list, right? OK, OK, here’s the link. [2]

“There are people in this country: call them Bush-haters, Democrats, liberals, progressives … call them what you will … but they are dedicated to the idea of discrediting George Bush in any way that they can.  They are dismayed over even the most remote possibility that Bush might actually pull a free, independent and stable Iraq out of his hat.  They know that success in Iraq could change the face of the Middle East forever.  It could be the beginning of the end of radical Islam .. and eventually make Islamic terrorism a thing of the past.  Freedom is the greatest enemy of tyranny .. and those are the two sides battling it out in Iraq; but to listen to the left in this country you would think they’re leading the cheers for the tyranny side. “

Neuharth is among these, and should at once resign his post; he clearly doesn’t have the brains left to walk and chew gum much less run a newspaper. But more, his now publicly stated bias… bias which we all, already knew about, disqualifies both him and his paper from the mantle of ‘impartiality’.

But more… as Boortz says yesterday…

“The obsessive compulsive Bush haters in America have been giving aid and comfort to the Islamic terrorists and insurgents who want to make Iraq a theocratic Islamic state run by a group cloned from the Taliban.  The encouragement these Islamic goons derive from the bleatings of the left in this country might be your most prominent cause for the level of insurgency that exists in Iraq today.”

Last I knew, giving aid and comfort to a sworn enemy of the US is a criminal offense.  Why is Neuharth not in jail over this?