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Get Over It

Do you know who Frank D. Hargrove is?   Well neither did I.  Hargrove is a delegate to the Virginia Legislature and Mr. Hargrave has riled up a nest of yellow jackets.   It seems in debating resolution on an apology for slavery, Hargrove noted that slavery ended one hundred forty years ago and “our black citizens should get over it.”

Well black leaders are up in arms and are asking for Hargrove “to be censured [1]

One, what Hargrove expressed was an opinion.  In a free country, we are all entitled to our opinions, even  if they offend  you.

Two, had Hargrove expressed the exact opposite opinion that blacks should continue to bear a grudge for what happened over one hundred forty year ago, black leaders would have condemned him as “insensitive.”

Three. O.J. Simpson murdered Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman [2]  and was let off by a largely black jury dumber than a sack of potatos.   Yet I hear no demands that either Simpson or the Simpson jury apologize.  Unlike slavery, both the victimizer, Simpson and and the victims’ family are alive to recieve the apology.

Four, black leader seem apolectic about history slavery over hundred forty years ago, but so indifferent to contemporary black slavery [3] today. 

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