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Mrs. Clinton, You are No Lady Thatcher III

Hillary Clinton 

In Washington Mrs. Clinton  made mad rhetorical lurch to the left.

WASHINGTON (AP [1]) – Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Friday she would not have attacked Iraq if she were president in 2002 and would end the war if elected, as she tried to blunt rivals like John Edwards who are stoking anti-war passions in the Democratic Party

Mitt Romney

Mean while in the Mitt Romney accused Clinton of being a coward.

BALTIMORE (AP) – Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Friday accused Democratic front-runner Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of “timidity” regarding the security threat posed by Iran.

In a speech to a retreat of conservative congressional Republicans, Romney lashed out at Clinton for telling a pro-Israel dinner that a dialogue with countries hostile to Israel – including Iran and Syria – is needed to promote peace in the Middle East.

In 2003 Mrs. Clinton recognized Saddam Hussien as a threat [2].   Now, Clinton says she would not have attacked Hussien, even thou see believed that Hussien posed a threat of weapons of mass destruction.

If Mrs. Clinton was not wiling in 2003 to deal with the threat of Hussien, we have no reason to believe she would be willing to deal with the threat of a nuclear Iran.

Mrs. Clinton you are no Lady Thatcher.