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Tech Bleg: Copy Utility

Here’s the problem;

I have perhaps 40gb of MP3’s that live on my big server.  I’d like to separate them down to collection of 650mb or so, for the purpose of archiving them on CD in MP3 format. I mean, if I lose the drive in the server it’ll literally take me hundreds of hours to get this stuff back and organized the way I want them.

Before you start pushing me to utilities like WINACE or WINRAR,  the stipulation here is that they have to be an MP3 format in the output side, not  archived in any way, (such as Zip) so that I might play them on Mp3 disk players in both BitsBox and Donna’s car, as well.

Additionally, it would be nice if I could  keep the current folder setup that I’m using… (Genre/ Artist/ Album/ disk /cut without seperating albums. )

I do use WINAMP, so if there’s a plug in for that environment that I don’t know about, that would be helpful.