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Chicks with Balls

There has been much talk on the board about the wussificiation of America, here [1] and here [2].   Yet there is good news and bad news.   First the good, we still have people with foritude and balls.   Sadly they are not all guys.

Kimball Perry has a story of a chick with balls [3]:

Venus RameyVenus Ramey has earned lots of fame in her 82 years.

She was Miss America 1944 and later a candidate for Cincinnati City Council and worked to save Over-the-Rhine’s historic buildings. She performed on Broadway and in movies.

Now, though, she’s in the news for another reason.

After confronting a man she said was stealing from her Kentucky farm, Ramey pulled out a gun and shot out a tire on his truck so he couldn’t leave, allowing police to arrest him and two others.

And a gun.

Holly Hollman reports on yet another chick with balls [4]:

“He then ordered her to perform oral sex,” Blakely said. “That’s when she bit him.”

And teeth.

( H/T: Allahpudit. Hot Air [5]; Ace, Ace of Spades [6]; photo,  Miss America [7] )

Addendum:  More, Don Surber, “Miss America packs heat [8].”