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Is Harry Reid Insane?

One of the hallmarks of insanity, is a disconnection from reality.  As an example;


The same people who think Mitt Romney being a Mormon is a problem, ignore that Harry Reid is a Mormon, too.

Another example;

After years of screaming about wanting to fight corruption, we find out of the million dollar secret land deals [1] Senator Reid was involved in, that the Democrats would rather you didn’t know about [2]
Yet another example…

Dirty Harry came out yesterday making disappointed noises about the partial birth abortion ban being upheld by the USSC. Well, if you didn’t want the ban, Harry, why’d ya VOTE for it, originally? [3]

reid.jpgMaybe this latest sign of being disconnected from reality a sign of insanity, or perhaps this obvious lie was a smoke screen… and an attempt to take the edge off the voter response to his latest outrage, which Boortz points to yesterday [4];

How’s this [5] for supporting our troops? Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Democrat (of course) has now declared that the United States has lost the war in Iraq. He told President Bush that the war could not be won through military force … in effect saying that the U.S. military is incapable of defeating the Islamic fascist enemy.

Know this … there is no way in hell that you can say you support our troops when you say that our troops cannot win the battle.

Ah, yes… the Democrat party. Like what you see, America?

There’s a word for people like Reid. Actually, there are several…. only one of which I’ll put here: Traitor. And by the way, that would include anyone who supports Mr. Reid. Yes, it really comes down to that, dear readers.

OK, OK… Perhaps I’m being unfair; I’m speaking in anger.  But it seems to me we’re being left with one of two choices ; either Senator Reid is a traitor or he is insane.  If his actions and his words are those of a sane man, ‘traitor’ is the only answer.

(Shrug) Perhaps the kinder answer is insanity.  And, of course, your Bitmaster is a generous sort of guy. (Ahem)…
ma_and_pa.JPGThere is a level of insanity here, that needs to be explored;

Anybody who can say that in public, and still claim that they are “Supporting the troops” , is suffering from a disconnection from reality, that is unheard of in the leadership roles of our government previously.

At the very least, Senator Reid should understand that he is giving reinforcement to our enemy.It’s time to ask… How many lives, senator, have you cost with your slip of the lip?

Michelle (Sigh) has a bunch of letters [6] from the service people that Harry supposedly supports. They seem to agree with my take on what Harry… and the Democrats as a whole, are…. to put it mildly.


krauthammer.jpgDr. Charles Krauthammer Thursday, said it best, on Hume’s show:

This is a classic definition of a gaffe. The definition of a gaffe in Washington is when a politician accidentally says what’s in his heart, because it’s a rare occasion and obviously, the fact that Reid had to go out on the floor of the Senate and then restate it in a different way is an example of how he knew he’d made a gaffe.

He went out on the floor and said, no, I didn’t say it was lost. In fact, he did. He not only said it was lost, but in that clip that we saw he said the secretary of state, secretary of defense know it’s lost as well. Then he goes out on the floor and says, no, it’s only lost if we follow the policy of the president. It’s not if you follow mine.

Now, if you parse that, what he means is if we continue with the surge, which is a new strategy of counterinsurgency and a new way to approach the war, we are lost. But, if you do what I’m recommending, which is to abandon the war and to leave the field of battle . . . we’re going to win. Now, this is so illogical that it’s obvious that he’s not sure what he wants to say, but he knows that admitting it’s lost, as we said here earlier, is politically disastrous. Because American people have worries about the war, but saying it’s lost is only a minority opinion and many people do not want what follows logically, which is abandoning the field of battle.

Emph is mine.

Now let’s remember, that doctor Krauthammer is a trained psychologist. A pretty good one, too, by all accounts.  Certainly, his perception about what’s going on inside of the head of Mr. Reid, is going to carry significantly more weight than is the opinion of his defenders about what’s going on inside his head.

Other examples of a gaffe, would be Bill Clinton saying we worry too much about our rights.  If, as Doctor Krauthammer suggests, this is really what’s going on inside of Senator Reid then we’re really must assume a level of insanity is what is driving these comments, and the Senator’s actions, as well.
The question becomes just how widespread the insanity is, given the level of support he’s getting from his fellow Democrats. as a matter of fact, it’s interesting, that the only person with the stones to object to all of this, was Joe Lieberman.  Which ought to give you a clue as to just how deeply rooted insanity is among Democrats, today.  None of them, save one, recognizes the danger in their current course.

No wonder people like Reid would rather Joe Lieberman wasn’t calling himself a Democrat anymore.  OTOH, one might think Joe was thinking the same thing of Reid.

Then again, nobody’s been saying Lieberman is insane, that I’m aware of.