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The Wussification of America

Boortz raises an interesting point [1]… although I think he’s not spot on, with it;


How far have we advanced in the wussification of America?  I am now under attack by the left for wondering aloud why these students did so little to defend themselves.  It seems that standing in terror waiting for your turn to be executed was the right thing to do, and any questions as to why 25 students didn’t try to rush and overpower Cho Seung-Hui are just examples of right wing maniacal bias.  Surrender — comply — adjust.  The doctrine of the left.

Amazing, isn’t it?  Even the suggestion that young adults should actually engage in an act of self defense brings howls of protest.

He’s got it pretty close, though. There is something to this… an element of conditioning… several generations worth of resistance to the concept of defending one’s self, have finally paid off. 

One might even suggest that this attitude is now being reflected in the foreign policy being pushed by the Democrats, where the biggest weapon employed is the two-lip smack on the buttocks of those attacking us. I’ll have to give this some thought, today. Perhaps I’ll have something more to say on this in the near future. I can’t always shoot from the hip.

He makes another interesting point, here as well, does Boortz… essentially a shorter version of what I said yesterday:

OK .. so you haven’t heard of Pierre Lemieux.  No, he’s not a hockey player.  He’s an economist from Quebec.  Yesterday he wrote that “Mass killings were rare when guns were easily available, while they have been increasing as guns have become more controlled.”  And why not?  The murderer knows that he doesn’t have to fear a victim with a gun!  Virginia Tech, after all, was a “gun free zone.”  Any of your lefties care to comment?

If I’m not mistaken, Pierre Lemieux was on campus in Montreal, last Spetember, when a similar incident occurred there [2].

THe article Neal mentions, is here [3]. The reason, of course, you don’t hear of him much is the angle he takes doesn’t mesh with the agenda of the traditional media.

 And yes, I know I’m quoting a lot of Boortz the last few days. I don’t always agree with him,(there are times I swear he shows clear evdience of being brain damaged)  but he’s the one getting closest to the truth, on this partcular issue.