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Kansas Twister

Kathleen SebeliusWhat we know, in the wake of the Kansas hurricanes which killed ten thousand twelve people, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius issued a Katrina likes statement blaming the response on President George W. Bush and the war in Iraq.  The White House and the Pentagon challenged Sebelius statement and she quickly retracted them.   That part is clear.

Howard DeanWhat is unclear the part Democrat National Committee Chairman Howard Dean played getting Sebelius to issue her initial, and since retracted, statement.  Byran, Hot Air [1], has the story.

Note that while the War Room sources cited by Byran are not confirming the story, neither are they denying it.  This seems clear, there is nothing, asolutey nothing, which the democrats will not do for poltical ends.

(H/T Dean photo:  Blogman [2] )