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Regards the “immigration Bill”; What is a ‘nation’?

Billy, home just yesterday, has apaprently recovered enough to start writing again, in this case about the monster being hatched on the American people, known as the “immigration bill “. [1]


I am a lot more concerned with the implications for Americans than those for people who would become Americans, and the very first one of concern, to me, is alluded to by Jim Harper [2] at the Cato Institute blog:

“Like many, I’ll be watching carefully to see if a national ID system is part of the ineluctable logic of the immigration reform deal that has been struck.”

If the “employment verification” element of this thing takes effect, then “national ID” will have been just as effectively established at the very heart of the American ideal: the individual impetus and political leave to produce.

What we’re talking about, ladies and gentlemen, is the nationalization of work, itself.

It’s a worthy read, which I advise you to do.

But while I find many points of agreement in what he says, I do have some serious concerns about the last line in the quote, because I think he’s missing something important…. I have expressed some concern in the past that this bill ends Amerca as we know it, by means of destroying the idea of being a citizen means.

Thus my question of Billy; doesn’t nationalization of work, require a NATION?

I would submit to you that what we’re seeing here is something begun a long time ago, in the intent to end the US as a nation. This bill is simply a logical step along that road. This is more key to this whole thing than it appears…

You see, I take the definition of ‘nation’ to be the first in the longish line of definitions: [3]

a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own

Note that in this, the very first definition, the people are defined before it’s government can exist, which is exactly in concert with my take that government, in it’s original definition was a tool of the culture… a situation almost exactly opposite to the situation of today… and more completely opposite once this bill gets enacted.  The government now exists not to serve the culture, but in spite of it, and in control of it’s demise. How long can a Nation last under these conditions? Not long, I fear.

Principles, which are what Billy argues from, are vital, important and foundational, certainly.

However, what is equally vital, important and foundational, is a culture that understands that; understands and holds high those principles, that shares the worldview involving those principles.  Cultures each have their own way of viewing the world. The reason our nation’s foundational principles have worked for as long as they have is because of a shared culture we had, in which is/was a shared worldview.


Someone running through a building, and shouting:

???????! ?????!

… isn’t much good if the people inside the building don’t understand Japanese, only understanding English. However, screaming it in English,… 

The building is on fire! Get out now!

… has a far better chance of affecting positively the lives of the people in the building…

By the same token, principles, and facts continue to exist, but aren’t much good, if people don’t see them as such, and react accordingly. Dillute the culture, change it (or eliminate it), and you have a completely different worldview, wherein people do not share what were once principles we held high. And who will argue for those principles, then?

That becomes more of a problem when you change the culture on so massive a scale as this bill.

It’s as I’ve been saying all along; for this culture’s principles to remain, the culture itself must remain, be promoted and protected. That’s government’s first task. This bill doesn’t do that, instead putting government at the top fo the heap, by reducing the culture,a nd in time, changing it at the root.

Bad move, and one we should never allow.