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What Can We Learn From the French Election? (Part Deux)

Continuing from the earlier post [1], there’s another lesson we can learn from recent events in Europe: Perhaps our image in the world isn’t quite so damaged as the left would have us think.

We have in France a President who ran a very loud campaign, saying he wanted to be freinds with the US, and the people of France overwhemingly elected him, over the socialist running an anti-US campaign.

Taken somewhat further, we have a German Chancellor,  Angela Merkel [2] who has publicly taken a farm warmer stance toward the US than that of her predesessors and those running against her for the position… and yet her approval numbers are quite high, indeed.

Taken seperately, these situations would seem to fly in the face of the image being pushed by the left… and the press…( Yes, a repetition, that) that our image in the world has suffered geratly at the hands of President Bush. Taken together, they disprove that myth outright, and cast some serious question about the biases within our press, and on the credibility of the Democrats and the press both.

I think there’s a lesson there for Republicans here at home..