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Kamakiriad Lives

Slashdot sends word [1]of a British steam powered car that will….

…attempt to set a world record speed of 200 mph. The car, constructed on a tubular chassis, holds four boilers that deliver four megawatts of power, producing 300 bhp. The current record of 127.659 mph was established in 1906

The site actually listed as 325 horsepower.  But that’s not all that outstanding, people.    I’ve got a Buick SUV on my front lawn that produces that level of power right now.  And I’ll bet it doesn’t take four megawatts of power to generate all things being equal.   How bad it doesn’t consume nearly the fuel, either.  Now; if you’re going to tell me that the thing cuts fuel costs substantially, maybe we’ll have something to report.

By the way, can you imagine one of those boilers blowing up in your face in an accident?  You won’t even have time to kiss your backside goodbye.

Added 50 points to the folks who can tell me what the title has to do wth the topic at hand.