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Is Atlanta Sleeping?

Michael MooreMichael Moore is as mad as heck, and he is not gong to take it any more.  Moore is still steamed by being trashed by Wolf Blizter, and is now threatening [1] CNN:

Well, the week is over — and still no apology, no retraction, no correction of your glaring mistakes.

I bet you thought my dust-up with Wolf Blitzer was just a cool ratings coup, that you really wouldn’t have to correct the false statements you made about “Sicko.” I bet you thought I was just going to go quietly away.

Think again. I’m about to become your worst nightmare. ‘Cause I ain’t ever going away. Not until you set the record straight, and apologize to your viewers. “The Most Trusted Name in News?” I think it’s safe to say you can retire that slogan.

Moore says he about to become CNN’s worst nightmare. I sure they going to lose a lot of sleep in Atlanta.

Addendum: (Bit)

Consider the irony here:
CNN has become a target, for simply telling the truth about a liberal. CNN telling the truth about a liberal is something that’s happened so rarely before that I’m sure Rotundo feels himself singled out.

But let’s consider most closely, the charge of CNN pulling this to improve ratings.  What the Great Rotundo is tacitly admitting to, here, is that a huge number American people… dare I say a majority… would like to see him taken down several pegs.

Kinda makes you wonder, about the reasons behind his trying to create a new Healthcare system so we’ll all have “free” health care, doesn’t it? Why would someone so universally disliked, one to perform such a “public service”?