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Congressional Approval: 3%

Just 24% give the president favorable ratings of his performance in handling the war in Iraq, but confidence in Congress is significantly worse – only 3% give Congress positive marks for how it has handled the war. This lack of confidence in Congress cuts across all ideologies. Democrats – some of whom had hoped the now Democrat-led Congress would bring an end to the war in Iraq – expressed overwhelming displeasure with how Congress has handled the war, with 94% giving Congress a negative rating in its handling specifically of that issue.  The online survey was conducted July 13-16, 2007, and included 7,590 respondents. It carries a margin of error of +/- 1.1 percentage points.

So reports Zogby. [1]

As to how that disapproval breaks down, perhaps this is the best measurement:

To best show support for the troops, 42% believe Congress should fully fund the war in Iraq to maintain current troop levels, while 34% would favor attaching requirements for phased withdrawal to Iraq war funding. Just 18% said cutting all funding for the war in Iraq to bring troops home would be the best showing of Congressional support.

In other words the disapproval breaks down as close to 50/50 as no matter between those who support the war and those who do not.  Which, in turn, would seem to be of a piece with the last few elections, prior to the most recent midterm.  If you’ll recall, I suggested that the time, that the midterm was a one time result.  These numbers would suggest that estimation was correct.

These poll numbers would also seem to suggest that there is a huge split occurring in the democratic party, which currently finds itself being driven by its extreme left.  Ultimately, they won’t have enough unity to elect a dog catcher, much less a president.