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From One Disaster to Another. 


Captan Ed is reporting [1]that the guy who got fired from the “Big Dig” in Boston, is the one now responsible for trying to rebuild 35W. I understand, you have to go with what’s available, for a given project.  But, whose good idea was this?

I guess we can call it the Big Bridge, but that may hit too close to home [2] for J. Richard Capka, the federal highway official tapped by the Department of Transportation to run the Minneapolis bridge rebuilding project. Capka got terminated from that ill-starred project in 2002 and has remained a controversial figure ever since:

As well he might.  Perhaps they were just skimming over the resume, and noticed that he had a major disaster in his past.  Since the collapse of the 35W bridge would certainly be considered a disaster, they must’ve figured Capka would be a perfect fit.