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Global Warming As a Cause for the Kos Meltdown?

The Volunteer Opinion Journal [1]:

Did global warming impact the YearlyKos?

It’s as good an excuse as any, I suppose.  The article goes on to quote The American Prospect, [2] which I’ll nest, here:

As the Military and Progressives panel came to an end, a young man in uniform stood up to argue that the surge was working, and cutting down on Iraqi casualties. The moderator largely freaked out. When other members of the panel tried to answer his question, he demanded they “stand down.” He demanded the questioner give his name, the name of his commander, and the name of his unit. And then he closed the panel, no answer offered or allowed, and stalked off the stage,

Wes Clark took the mic and tried to explain what had just occurred: The argument appears to be that you’re not allowed to participate in politics while wearing a uniform, or at least that you shouldn’t, and that the questioner was engaging in a sort of moral blackmail, not to mention a violation of the rules, by doing so. Knowing fairly little about the army, I can’t speak to any of that. But it was an uncomfortable few moments, and seemed fairly contrary to the spirit of the panel to roar down the member of the military who tried to speak with a contrary voice.

It’s amazing how Kos’ opinion changed [3] on the wearing of the military uniform at such an event, after a post last month in favor of it.  I guess the wind had changed directions again and they needed to go the other way on the issue, to suit their immediate situation.

Yes, well, about that; when have they ever not done precisely that?  We’re not dealing with principled people here.  We are dealing with opportunistic people.

And speaking of opportunities, and opportunities lost, I note with a certain amount of normalcy, that the mainstream media has avoided the situation altogether.  Apparently, they recognize that seeing a soldier in uniform being shouted down by a group of people who idolize the democratic party frontrunners will not go over very large with the American people.

But since the media won’t do its job on reporting such matters, the bloggers apparently must do the job for them.  With a tip of the ballcap to the Volunteer Journal here a link to a good vid of the event at Pajamas Media [4]

I’ve already taken Ezra Klein to the woodshed [5] over this one. What I didn’t mention in that article, is that the person in uniform [6] was there because he ostensibly agrees with the Kossacks.

I’ve been thinking about this aspect for several days, now, and I’ve come to a conclusion.

I think what we have here is an instinctive reaction to someone in uniform generating even the slightest question to the far leftist dogma.  That seems to me to reveal something very deep within the makeup of the average Kossack, and particularly of the louder mouths within that circle.