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The Other Way of Getting a Haircut

Another example of good triumphing over evil, because evil is so downright SSSTOOPID.

ASHLAND, Ky.-AP – [1] Laughter might be unexpected in a liquor store where a robbery just occurred. But that’s how employees responded to the “Duct Tape Bandit” who hit Shamrock Liquors in Ashland and fled nearly empty handed.


Honestly, what in the world is somebody thinking trying to disguise themselves in this ?

The guy did get captured… apparently the owner took a ball bat to him…. one that was appropriately wrapped in duct tape of course….  So, I suppose he can certainly take his time about taking that tape off of himself.  Even so, I wonder how much hair got removed in that process. Hair, I’ll bet he didn’t know he had. He may still be working on it.

And let’s imagine that he tried to remove his disguise in a hurry. Do you suppose the blood chilling screaming would attract anybody’s attention?

Just for laughs , let’s assume further that by some miracle of fate, he manages to get the disguise off without attracting anybody’s attention.  Assuming further, that they manage to find the hairy ball of duct tape, not only do the cops have DNA evidence, but the cops also know they’re looking for a bald guy with no facial hair at all… including eyebrows… a rather unique description in itself, made moreso by the swelling and the blood from the rapid method of hair removal.

Reminds me of an old Richard Pryor joke, about the rape victim ripping the guys ummmm equipment off with her bare hands to prevent the attack.  She shows the results to the police officers taking the report, and one says to the other “well, this guy’s going to be easy to find. “

One more laugh; can you imagine the amount of embellishment that the story would require when his fellow inmates ask him what he did to end up in the Slam?