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Using MLK to Justify Bigotry

One, Gilbert Young has his knickers in a twist because a Chinese man, Lei Yixin, has been commissioned to do statute of Martin Luther King for the Natoinal Mall.   Details, James Taranto [1].

Gilbert objects to Yixin either because Yixin is Chinese or just not black.   Further Gilbert attempts attribute his bigotry to King himself [2]:

King’s message became universal because only the truly ignorant would not accept and acknowledge that all men are created equal and deserve to be respected and allowed the right to freedoms promised by the Constitution of these United States.

Gilbert is confused.  He gets the divine confused with the mortal.   While God may create all men, God only creates unique individuals.

It is man, who endows human beings with rights.   We, as mere mortals, have no power to make men equal.  The best we can do is treat men as equal under the law.  The law is a human product. 

Equality under the law was the vision of King’s “I have a dream.”  Sadly King’s vision of equality is not shared by Gilbert.