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What If a Right-Wing Site Did This?

Charles Johnson on the topic of Kos: [1]

Imagine, if you will, the reaction among LGF’s admirers on the left if I started deleting topics and comments wholesale.

And that, in my view, cuts to the heart of the matter .

First, we had Beuachamp, and now Soltz. Thrice, now, the left has tried to use the military to boost its own credibility, and failed, because the people involved were totally without credibility.  In the case of the latter, the utter hatred for the uniform of our country, is plain to see. The third person in uniform would be Wesley Clark.  Who, of course, is retired.  Granted, that he is technically no longer in uniform.  But is there anybody who watched those events who is unaware that Clark was a general?  Is there anybody who is unaware that he is being a general is supposed to add credibility to his leftist arguments?  That’s why they keep the man around.  On that basis, the charge from the Kossacks of moral blackmail seems disingenuous at best.
Make arguments about the legitimacy of someone in uniform showing up to a place like that, I don’t have a whole bunch of disagreements with you.   The point I’m making here is the massive double standards involved, with regards to the uniform.  Apparently, the uniforms’ only legitimate to the Kossacks, if the wearer is in leftie lockstep.

Put another way, what Charles has revealed here, is a breathtaking level of hypocrisy on the part of the left.  And they are in damage control mode.  With postings being deleted over at Kos on an almost daily basis, now, they are clearly concerned about letting the left speak freely, for fear of their true nature’s becoming common knowledge.

The message I’m sending here, is that it’s a little late for that.

And keep in mind, my friends, of the number of supposedly mainstream Democrats that showed up to this little soiree of theirs…. thus giving Kos and his mindless gaggle, legitimacy.