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What She’s Really Concerned About

hillarysm.jpgThe NY Post is reporting this morning:

August 24, 2007 — WASHINGTON – [1] Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday raised the prospect of a terror attack before next year’s election, warning that it could boost the GOP’s efforts to hold on to the White House.

Well, that’s just wonderful.  She’s not worried about what this would do to the American people.  She’s not worried what an attack would do to the economy.  She’s not concerned what would happen in terms of impact on first responders. She’s not worried about how such an attack would affect our place in the world.  No, she’s worried about whether not it damage is her chances for the White House.

You know, time was, when someone wanted to hold a public office via the least where heĀ  could fake, reasonably, the impression that they wanted to make life better for Americans.No our Hillary.  This woman knows nothing but what will aid or harm her own power grab.  That’s all any of this is.

And not to take on Hillary Clinton, so much, I will point out that other democrats have been saying the same thing.  They view such terrorism threats, not as threats on the American people, but as threats on their path to power.