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Reynolds: [1]

HOW TO SABOTAGE AHMADINEJAD: Have some scantily-clad coed run up and give him a kiss. Make sure photos are distributed in Iran.

Simply brilliant.

 ANOTHER UPDATE: Okay, this would be better: Dan Riehl [2] suggests a Jewish Lesbian Kos diarist. [3] Plus, her admiration is already on record.

I’d pay to see that one.

Of course, it doesn’t even have to happen, really. We could simply doctor up a photo depicting the event, and publish it. Do you suppose we could get CBS and the the NYT to back us in the venture? Fake but accurate, after all, is news worthy…. and valid, if we’re to take the word of Dan Rather and CBS News.

Oh, I know… their willingness to back such a plan depends on the target of it.

But, then again, that’s my point.