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Urgent Fashion Note to Britney Spears And MTV

fatbrit.jpg [1]**** URGENT ****

Hey, Brit, listen… I know you’re trying and all, but heres a clue… actually it’s a cardinal rule… If your belly sticks out farther than your boobs, it’s not ready for prime time. People are EATING, for pity’s sake. The butt-jiggle didn’t help matters much, either.  Looked like a couple of badly made jello molds partially filled with Styrofoam.  That’s not a wardrobe malfunction, Brit.. that’s you.
The people who were cheering you on, and who signed you to do that last night [2]are not your friends… trust me on this one.

And MTV: If I were you, I’d take Kanye West up on his threat [3] to never do MTV again. Indeed, I’d enforce it, were I you. If there was ever a bigger idiot than Kanye West, it’s the guy who signed him to do the show.  And perhaps that’s the point… you guys don’t have the smarts to avoid that idiot next year.
The only one who seemed to have a small handle on reality is of all people, Justin Timberlake, who challenged MTV to do what they used to do… play more music vids. He’s right, damn it all…  Remember it used to be about the music?