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Digging a Deeper Hole with Your Mouth

Randi Rhodes shows remarkable resilience, an extraordinary capability and digging herself into a deeper hole, given she has so few teeth to dig with, anymore. [1]

The Radio Equalizer [1] asks a number of good questions, which I’ll answer, here.

  • Why did she send an email to Air America staffers claiming to have been mugged if there was no indication one had occurred?

Ya know…I was taken to task by a few people who wondered how it was when Jon Elliot was the only one who was saying she was mugged on the air, that I could charge that Rhodes had made the claim. Simple logic, my dear Watson, where else would he have gotten that information from?  There had to have been communication to the network from Rhodes. it was the only logical choice . She was trying to cover her own issues.  To the Liberal mind, the best thing you can look like is a victim. “I’m a victim of right wing thugs” certainly looks better than “I got blasted out of my bloody mind and fell down.” It also attracts listener sympathy, and thereby listeners, period.   Works better than drawing laughter.  Get the picture?

  • Why has host Jon Elliot been forced to apologize for simply relaying Randi’s note to network listeners? Is he the fall guy for her dishonesty?

More likely, the entire network has been dishonest all along.  In our view it’s the only way that you could come anywhere near where Err America is , politically speaking.  One simply cannot maintain the political positions that they do without being totally dishonest.  Why should this situation be any different?

Oh… and the idea of an overnight guy being the fall guy for the dishonesty of the network should not be a surprise to anyone. I worked in radio, for a lot of years.  Trust me on this one; He’s on the overnight shift for a reason, people.  As a result of both his position, and the reason for that position, he makes the easiest fall guy of anyone currently occupying that feted sewer called Err America.

  • Since there was never any evidence to support an attack claim, why did she even suggest this possibility in a way she knew would reach the press?

Simple, it was easier than suggesting she’s a boozer, who had downed 14 Bloody Marys at the bar before attempting to stagger home. The truth doesn’t fit the narrative.  Thus, the lies.

  • Why won’t she tell us how much she’d had to drink before she’d stepped out of the Irish pub?

Same reason.

  • And perhaps most importantly, why doesn’t it bother her that the phony mugging story was quickly turned into a chance to beat up on conservatives, who were actually blamed for the incident?

Because that was always the plan.  Attacking conservatives in the center of the Liberal existence.  The faster you understand that one salient point, the better you will understand everything you need to know about liberalism in general and Err America in particular. And, more particularly yet, this little escapade.

Personally, I wouldn’t expect her to admit any of this, any more than I would expect the network to say anything of the like.  Honesty, as I’ve said, is beneath them.  But that’s becoming par for the course.  As such, if either one of them admits the truth of this matter, I’m going to be amazed.  As it is, they’re going to continue their lives, because it sells better than the truth.  Meantime, rather than being amazed, I will be mildly amused.

Other discussion:

Memeorandum [2] Talking Radio [3], The Van Der Galiën Gazette [4], Wake up America [5], protein wisdom, [6]