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As the Spit[zer] Turns

Eliot SpitzerByran, Hot Air [1]:

It’s a good thing for NY Gov Eliot Spitzer that he’s less than a year into his term. He has three years to dig himself out of the Troopergate and licenses-for-illegals chasm that usually takes at least a term and a half to carve out. The latter has pushed his popularity down to Washington levels. Almost. [2] But he can get there if he just tries a little harder. Whaddya say, Eliot?

If Spitzer is still in office at Christmas, somebody ought to stick copy of How to Win Friends & Influence People [3]in his stocking.   Byran seems to think that Spitzer will serve out his elected term.

Allah Pundit opines that Spitzer has killed any chance of amnesty at the federal level:

We shouldn’t have to worry about the amnesty shills feeling too frisky for another few years after this.

For which we thank you Eliot.