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Has Joe Klein Losing His Mind, Or is He Simply Mouthing Rethoric for the Bush-Derangement- Syndrome- Sufferers Time Caters To?

The more I read Joe Klein the more I’m convinced the guy is working at being stupid. Nobody could come by his level of stupid, naturally. When he opens with this, you know it’s going to be brainless:

I’m puzzled by all the neoconservative bloviating and war-whooping about Iran and the near deathly silence about the deteriorating situation in Pakistan [1]. I mean, we have actual terrorist training camps in Waziristan that are just sitting there, ripe targets for the sort of quick special forces strikes that the Turks are laying on the PKK in Northern Kurdistan (with our not-so-tacit approval). But I haven’t read much in the Weekly Standard about the need to act against Al-Qaeda-Not-in-Iraq. Bill K, N-Pod, you remember Osama, right? What gives?

In that regard, I thought Barack Obama’s utter sanity with regard to Iran in the NY Times [2] today was pretty striking. He may well be disputed by Hillary Clinton on this again over preconditions and who meets whom first. He probably should be saying, “I’ll have my Secretary of State initiate talks and if things look promising, I may jump in myself…” But talk we must, and lower the temperature.

Is it possible that the reason why the neos are so obsessed with Iran and relatively silent on Pakistan (which, you may recall, actually has nukes) is that–ok, I’ll go ahead and say it–Israel is obsessed over Iran?

What Klein misses, of course is the fact that Iran is dedicated to using nukes against the West, ( Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, IS, and has publicly stated so on several occasions.)… whereas Pakistan, at least insofar as Musharraf or Bhuto are concerned… is not. Now, I grant that the Islamic radicals there pose a problem, and one that Musharraf seems to be addressing, this morning.

That said, I find Klein’s studied non-understanding of this point to be disingenuous at least.  Iran IS the bigger fish to be fried, here, barring an islamic radical take-over of the Pakistan government. That Klien misses this tells me that what he’s about is telling the hate-Bush crowd what they want to hear… and that the truth is not the most important thing to him. He’s far too worried about that nutball crowd infesting his comments section, in my view, to be of any use to anyone by the far left.