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Is Mrs. Clinton Man Enough to be President?

hillary31.jpgFor all the talk abou the Bush Dynasty,  both of Dubya’s campaigns were almost totally devoid of involvement by Bush Senior.

In stark contrast,  whenever Mrs. Clinton snubs her little toe,  Mr. Clinton comes to rescue.   Confront Mrs. Clinton and face the wrath of Mr. Clinton.

Patrick Healy, New York Times [1]:

Bill Clinton [2]‘s suggestion that his wife faced a Republican-style “Swift boat” attack during and after the last Democratic debate drew a rebuke yesterday from Senator Barack Obama [3], who said, “I was pretty stunned by that statement.”

George W. Bush was man enough to compaign twice without his father running inference for him.   If Mrs. Clinton can not, or will not, campaign without Mr. Clinton’s interference, she simply is not up to the task of being president.

Hat Tip:  Memeorandum [4].