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Mrs. Clinton’s Campaign of Lies

hillary31.jpgTwo items from the Washington Post [1]:

Central to the new Clinton push will be the argument that only she can beat the eventual Republican nominee, a claim Obama is also seeking to make to voters here.

Advisers said her message will be: “You can’t have change if you don’t win.” Her rivals, meanwhile, are moving aggressively to capitalize on Clinton’s weaknesses in Iowa — and, they hope, block her path to the nomination.


WASHINGTON (Reuters [2]) – Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton [3] trails five top Republican presidential contenders in general election match-ups, a drop in support from this summer, according to a poll released on Monday.

Memo to Mark Penn, find a new campaign mantra than Mrs. Clinton is “inevitable.”    The public is not falling for it. 

Hat tips:  Sister Toldjah [4]; Paul, Powerline [5].