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Obama Looking a Little Thin on Substance? So, What Else is New?

Billy [1] notes:

Rich Nikoley [2] is barely hinting at the depth of my contempt for anyone entertaining the least infatuation with Barak Obama.

I actually have more respect for Rodham’s troops. At the very least: they’re committed ideologues and they’re not all dreamy-eyed over paper-thin bromides about “change” and “bringing the country together”. I mean; at that point, people might as well vote for the color of his skin instead the content of his mind, and say so right out loud.

I have only minor quibbles with this.  One of them is wondering what makes Billy really think in the end, that people aren’t simply voting for the color of his skin.  I would suggest you that a number of them are, already.
There is, however, more to this story.  Let’s face it; the last two times the Democrat party got into the White House they got there on little more than paper thin bromides about change and bringing the country together, right?  For that matter, that’s true about any number of lesser roles than the presidency.

We shouldn’t be surprised that Obama made it as far as he has with an entire campaign…  indeed, several campaigns, since he is a Senator, after all, based on nothing but fluff.  That’s their strong suit.

By the way, Billy, your reference to Saint Andrew the incontinent, lends itself very nicely to that point.  He’s not been very long on substance lately, either, anymore than Erb has of late.  And I think there’s a point to be had there; if they ever actually got into the meat of the thing, their arguments would never survive.  They know that, which is why they never do get into anything heavier.

In Erb’s case, it’s what caused me to simply give up [3] on trying to make a dent in that facade of his. Break out the heavy facts, and the guy ducks faster than the average mortal can blink. You know as well as I know you’re never gonna change his mind based on facts, because his arguments were never based on fact.  Bromides, that’s all. Pure bromides.  I’m not playing that game with him anymore, and the fact is I have precious little patience for it in anybody else, anymore, either.

obamafinger.jpg [4]That’s why, in all candor, I haven’t addressed Obama very much at all here. He’s been pulling the same stunts, on a much larger scale.  My suspicion is, ultimately, is that I won’t have to deal with him, anyway, because regardless of whatever OS happens the Democrats simply don’t have the courage to drop Hillary Clinton, since you broached her name…
Which of itself raises an interesting point. Think; here we have a woman being billed as the world’s smartest woman… yet, she’s being shown up as a complete idiot every time she opens her mouth… Still, she continues to be lauded as being so very smart.  How can this be?  It’s a matter of comparison.  She comes off looking a quark more weighty than those around her, and so gets the ‘world’s smartest woman’ billing. To illustrate the problem little differently, imagine a barn full of Turkeys, marveling at the flying ability of the common sparrow.

Anyway, yeah, I know…Obama. I’m wandering, I know, but there’s a point with it. Watch:

The truth is, the reason he’s making headway with his shtick, is not because it’s anything new, but because it’s not new. It’s what the Democrats have been pulling for decades.  As little substance, and as much emotion, as possible [5].  The only difference, in fact, is the color of his skin.