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The Clintons Losing Reputation As Good Liars

You have good liars and you have chronic liars.  Nobody seems to be believing B.J. Clinton’s  latest.  The New York Times is reporting that B.J. now clains to have opposed the war, “from the beginning [1]

Sadly for B.J. his old quotes are no more that a few keystrokes away.   Steve Gilbert, Sweetness & Light [2]quotes B.J.’s justification for attacking Iraq in 1998:

Earlier today, I ordered America’s armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq’s nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors.

With the Clintons you get two liars for the price of one.    I say the voters should never give the Clintons another chance to use the presidentcy to tell yet another lie.  

More, Memeorandum.


Allah Pundit, Hot Air, [3]  offers an utterly devasting collection of reactions.

Are the days of a Clinton lying with impunity over?