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Why the Pass for Ron Paul?

There’s a multilevel discussion going on over at Q&O, on Ron Paul and his Nazi contributors. Paul hasn’t disavowed these contributors, nor has he returned the money.

I’ll use Jon’s lede [1] for the links:

I understand the point McQ has made [2] about candidates needing to distance themselves from unsavory supporters, and I understand the point Dale has made [3] that “neither Mr. Paul, nor anyone else, has any responsibility to seek out and repudiate endorsements from whackos.” I agree with both of those points. Politicians shouldn’t have to disavow every crank…but it is sometimes helpful to do so, despite the fact that these stories are mostly just a contrivance…a fake ad hominem story.

Well, actualy, no, it’s not a fake story, as Dale points up. Allow me to demonstrate.

Politics, particularly the end of getting elected, is all about  perception.

Replace Ron Paul’s name with Fred or Rudy. Now, replay the whole scene. Let’s imagine one of these gets a donation from a nazi group.  

Does anyone suppose that the left wouldn’t be screaming bloody murder over the connection? Ask yourself; Why is Ron Paul comparatively getting a pass, here from both the MSM and the Democrats?

More; Does anyone suppose, that in our hypothetical scenario, Fred or Rudy wouldn’t be going to some lengths to disassociate themselves from such groups by way of deep sixing sich contributions? Ask yourself: Why doesn’t Ron Paul consider that he needs to ditch these contributions and assocociations?

It all makes one wonder.