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It Was Today

Pear Harbor, Battleship Row, the USS Arizona, December 7th, 1941 [1]

The comparisons between the event that happened in Pearl Harbor 66 years ago today, and the events at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and in that Pennsylvania field, are unavoidable.  As are, unfortunately, the comparison of our reactions to each.

One cannot help but look at the two separate situations, in progression, and wonder at how much we as a people have forgotten.

The battleship in this picture, at the time of the attack, had something on the order of a million gallons of heavy fuel oil. It ended up on the bottom of the harbor.  Along with  about half her crew. There is a dribble of oil that comes up from the wreckage that amounts to about a quart of oil per day.  It’s been doing that for all of these 66 years.  Sad, that we were unable to hold the memory as long as the oil in that tank held out.