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Public Service Announcement

Curses and tribulations be upon the developer of the “WP Auto Content Generator”, who is herewith declared a sub-human species, one not deserving to use any more air.
May the fleas of 1000 rabid camels infest his armpits.

May onions grow in his navel.

May the Easter Bunny leave only the alternate Jelly Beans.

May his computer’s power supply fail because of roach infestation.

May he look amazingly like the guy who was sleeping with OJ Simpson’s girlfriend last night… the one still alive… the one he’s insanely jealous of.

May he discover that those are not raisins, after all, and thereby discover his guinea pig has been into his cupboard.

May he fall asleep for 8 hours, in the sun. At the Equator.

May he find that he’s been sleep walking naked through Times square, two seconds before meeting the front end of a speeding bus.

That is all.