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Breakfast Scramble

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble

Mrs. Clinton bomb, bombs, Hotline [1]:

It was, in this reporter’s opinion, the most interesting moment in today’s Clinton campaign phoner with reporters. Responding to the release of HRC’s new TX TV ad, which asserts in no subtle terms that only she has the experience to deal with a major world crisis, and, relatedly, to keep your children safe, Slate’s John Dickerson asked the obvious question:

“What foreign policy moment would you point to in Hillary‘s career where she’s been tested by crisis?” he said.

As Bit might say, hoisted on her own petard. 

Oz, home of real men [2]. 

The whimps at VT and NIU should have done so well. 

Dead Man Ruling:

HAVANA (Reuters [3]) – Fidel Castro may have retired as Cuban president last week after 49 years in power, but he is still calling some shots.

Castro said in an article published on Friday that it was his idea to promote two three-star generals to the country’s top leadership under his younger brother and successor as president, Raul Castro.

The second greediest woman in the world?


Charlie Rose: An hour with William F. Buckley, Jr.:

