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Who is Hiding From the Press Again?

Earlier this week the networks threw a major tantrum [1] when the McCain campaign tried to limit their access to Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s meetings with foreign officials.

Today, Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden met with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and completely excluded the press.

That from Little Green Footballs [2].

And they have a point. I said as much last night. For the scroll inhibited, here it is again:

Why all the concern over Sarah Palin [3] her ‘shutting the press out’? Hume says it well [4]:

The Associated Press and other media outlets reacted with alarm when the McCain [5] camp kept reporters from attending a photo opportunity with Sarah Palin [3] and foreign leaders at the U.N. on Tuesday. AP reporter Sara Kugler wrote that reporters were banned “so as not to risk a question being asked of Palin.”The McCain [5] camp later relented, but there was no concern by the AP in July when Barack Obama [6] conducted similar closed-door meetings with European leaders.

And by the way, the Center for Responsive Politics reports Kugler donated to the liberal 527 group America Coming Together (ACT) during the 2004 campaign. Kugler gave $342 to the now-defunct voter registration group. ACT closed up shop after being fined $775,000 by the Federal Elections Commission in 2007 for violations of federal campaign finance laws.

So, it ends up being much about nothing. The complaints are a political stunt, fostered by a press which itself is naught but a willing mouthpeice for Obama [6].