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Breakfast Scramble: What Me Here!

DavidL's Breakfast Scramble
We got Pawlenty, from Alexis Levinson, Daily Caller [1]:

Tim Pawlenty announced his candidacy for president in Iowa Monday afternoon under the banner of ‘truth,’ presenting himself as someone whose campaign would not just be made of empty promises, and who will instead be willing to tell the truth, even if it makes him unpopular.

To show how serious he is, in his announcement speech in Iowa Pawlenty did just that, telling Iowans the unspeakable: that their beloved ethanol subsidies must come to end

Bravo Zulu Governor.

It it is Tuesday, why I am still here? I am with Eric on this one.  I sick of tired to the lame stream media attempting to make news out of every fringe conservative preacher.  Put all the supporters of Fred Phelps, Terry Jones and his Harold Camping fellow and you could not fill out building in Arkansas.  So why the relentless and breathless news coveage?  From the San Fransisco Chronicle [2]:

ALAMEDA — The man who said the world was going to end appeared at his front door in Alameda a day later, very much alive but not so well.

“It has been a really tough weekend,” said Harold Camping, the 89-year-old fundamentalist radio preacher who convinced hundreds of his followers that the rapture would occur on Saturday at 6 p.m

There was no reason to suppose that Camping’s prediction was true, and suggest that anybody who thought otherwise, take his blogging to Arianna Huffington.