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The Reverends Al Sharpton And Jssee Jackson: Race Pimps

The Reverend Al Sharpton is NBC’s designated house nigger and anointed expert on all matters racial.   Who, if anybody outside the media, accepts the Reverend as legitimate spokesman for anybody, much less all blacks?  A person of pallor can recite a litany the Reverends miss deeds.   Tawanna Brawley or Crown Heights anybody?

So what if the Reverend attempted to start a race war, and nobody outside the lame stream media showed up?  From Click Orlando [1]

SANFORD, Fla. – The Rev. Al Sharpton said his National Action Network will “move to the next level” if George Zimmerman is not arrested in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

Sharpton called for an escalation in peaceful civil disobedience and economic sanctions, although he did not say what those sanctions might be.

Turner Clayton, the Seminole County chapter president of the NAACP, reacted immediately to Sharpton’s warning, saying, “We hope that the citizens of Sanford will govern themselves accordingly. We are not calling for any sanctions, against any business or anyone else. And, of course, what Rev. Sharpton does, that’s strictly the [National] Action Network. We can’t condone that part of the conversation, if that’s what he said.”

The Reverend certainly has no claim to represent all blacks.   Does the Reverend present anybody’s interests, aside from his own?    Is Sharpton attempting to start a race war to pay down his debts?    From Richard Fernandez, PJ Media [2]:

After Trayvon Martin was killed, the Chicago Tribune [3] found the Reverend raising money for Trayvon’s cause.  At a rally he shouted:

“I’m going to start off with $2,500,” Sharpton said, holding up a check. “Who’s next?”

Then Sharpton announced that television personality Judge Greg Mathis donated $10,000.

Several elected Florida officials were present, and each took a turn addressing the crowd before Sharpton was scheduled to speak. U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown was one of the first to address the crowd Thursday night. She rallied the crowd by yelling, “I want an arrest, I want a trial.”

The she asked the crowd: “What do you want?”

And the crowd responded, “We want an arrest!”

Doubtless Sharpton really wants an arrest. But given the parlous state of his finances, it would be understandable if he didn’t mind making a few bucks on the side as well. All across the board the Blue Model is experiencing what parliamentary systems call the loss of “supply.” Supply [4] is a term used to describe money bills, either taxation and government spending, which is the lifeblood of politics.

Reax,from Darleen Click, Protein Wisdom [5]:

NBC’s libel just throws fuel on a fire: Al Sharpton is calling for riots, though he euphemistically says “escalation” [6]. A Georgia High school erupts in ugly violence [6] in the name of Trayvon. Twitter refuses to delete the Kill Zimmerman [7] account.

Not like NBC is alone in its making the news rather than reporting it. ABC [8] ran grainy video of Zimmerman at the police station and declared “We don’t see blood or bruises!” Ooooo… smoking gun!

More reax, from Sister Toldjah [9]:


Hat tip: Sister Toldhah

#Trayvon: Video/screencap shows laceration to George Zimmerman’s head
Posted by: ST on March 31, 2012 at 12:32 am I’m absolutely shocked that this was found and discussed on Chris Matthews’ MSNBC show Hardball (via @nickarama1);

Link to the Sister for the video of utterly stunned Chrissy Matthews.

As to the Reverend Jesse Jackson, from Rich Lowry, National Review [11]:

Jesse Jackson is right that “blacks are under attack.” According to a 2005 FBI report, blacks accounted for 13 percent of the population and 49 percent of all homicide victims. In 93 percent of the cases, the killer was black. Half of the victims were ages 17 to 29. That works out to 4,000 murders of young blacks in one year, overwhelmingly at the hands of other blacks. In the communities where these killings occur there is, to put it in Jackson’s inimitable terms, no justice and no peace.


An injustice may well have been done in the handling of the Martin shooting, but let’s not fool ourselves. Zimmerman could be arrested, convicted, and hanged tomorrow, and it will have no effect on the lives of young black people in communities beset by social disorder. Whatever happens to Zimmerman, the drip-drip of spilled blood will continue, all but ignored except in the police blotter. In America, the lives of young black people are cheap, unless they happen to fit the right agenda

There are a multitude of problems facing the black community.   George Zimmerman is not one of them.  Race pimps like the Reverends Al Shartpton and Jesse Jackson are.