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The War on Women Continues

There is a War on Women, and it being waged by liberals.   Not content to alienate stay at home mothers, liberals are now attacking women who work outside the home,  at least the one that have the sheer audacity to pay for their own college education, from Steve Elbow, Cap Times [1]:

People are starting to pay attention to Ciara Matthews, Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign spokeswoman. She’s a hard-core Republican, has worked on high-profile GOP campaigns, and is a strident foe of abortion.

And now the news is spreading through the Internet that she’s a former Hooters girl, along with a picture that displays a side of her you aren’t likely to see during the campaign

Waiting tables is not exactly rock science.   Waiting table consists of during several simple jobs but juggling them all the time.    When done right, waitresses sing is performance art.   While waiting table pays below the minimum wage, a good waitress in good location make very good money.   I asked one waitress why she was waiting tables when she had four year degree in marketing    She told me, that as long her legs held out,  she would lake more waiting tables.

A waitress has neither a contract nor tenure.  Her employment depends on her ability to get patrons into the house, and income on making them satisfied.  If  she can’t, the house will find somebody who can.  And for a high volume house like Hooters, there are plenty of girls willing to take her shifts.    Tips are the ultimate form of merit pay, no work, no pay.

I am not surprised that the media vultures failed to rattle Clara Matthews.  A good waitress is darn hard to rattle,  and believe me, I have tried to rattle them.     I don’;t patronize restaurant s with  wimpy waitresses.    Do you

Maybe the libtards would have been more impressed if Matthews had worked as a sex worker, read whore.    They seem to like the real sluts.

Hat  tip and more, Dr. Melissa Clouthier [2]:

War On Women Wisconsin Edition: Slut Shaming Is Okay When Feminists Do It

I can neither summarize or excerpt Doctor Melissa. I’ll just characterize as bringing rifle to urination contest. The Doc is loaded for bear.