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Fast And Furious Wiretaps, Etc

I’ll leave ET Williams to speak his piece:

Says Stacy: [1]

Says Stacy: [1]

To answer Mr. William’s question, Holder is sill the AGJ because he is both a Reliable Tool and, also, he Knows Too Much. My guess is that Holder has a signed presidential pardon in his safe. Would you exhibit the sort of cheek that Eric Holder offers before Congress without a Get Out Of Jail Free card in hot standby?

first off, what they shows very clearly is just what the left is willing to do to limit the constitution insofar as the second amendment.  The illegality that they are willing to countenance in their efforts to further their totalitarian agenda.

Let’s be honest; the only reason that Eric Holder is still AG is because the Bamster needs someone to cover his backside, and in more than just “Fast and Furious”. 

Holder, for his part, is being the wiseacre he is because in my estimation he figures that Obama is going to pardon anything that comes up between now and the election.  Certainly, the ability to cover for the sins of the Obama administration does not end the moment all Bama is no longer president.  Let’s remember there’s still a lot of political players within the department of justice in no-n leadership roles.  That could make any prosecution of Holder, or for that matter, Obama himself, a bit of a problem. 

Of course, we will be informed by the left that any prosecution of these two as a purely racist move. 

But isn’t it interesting, the delta between how this situation is being handled, and how the Valerie Plame incident was handled.  Where is the Democrat Party outrage over this one? 

My guess is that holder wants Obama it has lost the election, will be roaming with Marc Rich.