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Obama Fights the War on Terror, By Eric Holder’s Rules

The Obama administration is confused. It wants to pretend illegal combatants have the same rights as citizens, but Obama desperateness wants to look like a commander-in-chief. So what do you do when your reprobate of an attorney general, Eric Holder forbids treating captured enemy combatants like captured enemy soldiers? Under Holder, captured enemy combatants have no intelligence value, there is no point in capturing them. So Obama simply orders them to killed, and he calls it bravery. From Charles Krauthammer, National Review [1]:

This administration came out opposing military tribunals, wanting to try Khalid Sheik Mohammed in New York, reading the Christmas Day bomber his Miranda rights, and trying mightily (and unsuccessfully, there being — surprise! — no plausible alternative) to close Guantanamo. Yet alongside this exquisite delicacy about the rights of terrorists is the campaign to kill them in their beds.

You festoon your prisoners with rights — but you take no prisoners. The morality is perverse. Which is why the results are so mixed. We do kill terror operatives, an important part of the War on Terror, but we gratuitously forfeit potentially life-saving intelligence.

The good doctor says more, a lot more.