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Dumbo: One Miniscule Brain, Coupled to One Massive Ego

[1]Alas poor Dumbo, a/k/a Dim Won, a/k/a President Fifty Seven State, b/k/a President Barack Obama, thinks the average mortal is so incompetent (hello Julia) that he is unable to succeed without the assistance of the state, from the Washington Post, via Professor Althouse [2]:

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

The Professor thinks Dumbo merely misspoke:

The boldface part is a blunder. He couldn’t have meant to say that, and he must be really sorry he did. He’s got the core idea there: You got some help. Then, in the blunder, he needed a few more words: If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that alone. Somebody else must have helped you make that happen. Anyone who likes Obama can say, in context, you can tell these additional words are implied. Someone more neutral — me, perhaps! — would say, obviously those additional words were intended, but it was nevertheless revealing that he let it slip out in that form. We learn something about his orientation toward business, government, individual achievement, and the collective, and we should pay attention to that. And anyone who opposes Obama is going to nail him with these words, using them for humorous effect over and over again.

I beg to differ.  Dumbo has no problem believing that an individual person is capable of doing great thinks on his own, that is if, and only if, he is referring to himself.  Keith Riler lists Dumbo’s affinity for the first person singular  from American Thinker [3]:

That’s the essential project that got me [4] into politics. That’s why I [4] ran for President.

I [4] ran for President.

I [5] don’t mind cleaning up the mess that some other folks made.  That’s what I [5] signed up to do.

Our economy started growing again six months after I [6] took office and it has continued to grow for the last three years.

[I] [4]‘m running again for President….

That’s why I’m [4] running for President.

And I [6] want to put in place a new clean energy standard….

Today, at my [7] direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

I [7] directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against Al-Qaeda….

I [7] determined that we [7] had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice.

My [6] plan to encourage innovation…

My [6] plan sets up an independent fund to attract private dollars and issue loans….

My [6] plan for education doesn’t just rely on more money … I [6] want to give schools more flexibility….

I’m [4] running because I [4] want to make sure that every child gets a high-quality education, and that means I [4] want to hire new teachers in our classrooms ….

And I [4] want to give 2 million more people the opportunity to get trained at a community college for jobs that exist right now, and get the skills they need.

And I [8] want to cut through the maze of confusing training programs….

And I [4] want to make college more affordable for every young person who has the initiative and drive to go, and make sure they’re not burdened by thousands of dollars’ worth of debt.

I [8] will not back down from protecting our kids from mercury poisoning, or making sure that our food is safe and our water is clean.

I’m [9] implementing over 500 reforms….

I [8] will sign an executive order clearing away the red tape that slows down too many construction projects.

I’ve [9] signed a law….

I’ve [9] cut taxes ….

[I]’ve [8] proposed a new defense strategy ….

I’ve [9] asked Congress for the authority to reorganize the federal government ….

I [9] have approved fewer regulations in the first three years of my [9] presidency ….

I [8] will go anywhere in the world to open new markets for American products.

And I [8] will not stand by when our competitors don’t play by the rules.

[I]’m [8] sending this Congress a plan….

[I]’ve [8] already sent this Congress legislation that will secure our country from the growing dangers of cyber-threats.

I’ve [6] got a different vision for America.  …That’s my [6] vision for America….This is the vision I [6] intend to pursue in my [6] second term as President

And I’m [6] running for a second term as President because we [6] have more to do.

But I [8] can do a whole lot more….

Ray Kroc could not start of hamburger restaurant without the assistance of the state, but Obama can cut taxes, all by himself, apparently without the aid of Congress.