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Obama’s War on Women: Epic Fail

Sad news for the Obama Campaign and her War on Women meme, women also have working parts about the neck, from Susan Page, Useless Toady [1]:

[2]6:11PM EDT October 15. 2012 – WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney leads President Obama by four percentage points among likely voters in the nation’s top battlegrounds, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds, and he has growing enthusiasm among women to thank.

As the presidential campaign heads into its final weeks, the survey of voters in 12 crucial swing states finds female voters much more engaged in the election and increasingly concerned about the deficit and debt issues that favor Romney.

Women too get caught in Obama’s downward spiral of wages and upward spiral of prices.

Reax:   Allah Pundit, Hot Air [3]:

You’ll be pleased to know that Team Hopenchange has already wet itself over these results and is circulating a memo written by their pollster dumping on Gallup’s likely voter screen [4].

Call be a fool, but I don’t see how Dim Won, b/k/a Barack Obama, can come across Tuesday as both aggressive and nice. Look for Mitt Romney to continue make the women trust him.