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De Blasio’s War on the Carriage Trade

You gotta give former mayor Micheal Bloomberg some credit. He was willing to spend vast amounts of his own money to advance his own private agenda. For example, Bloomberg never meet a gun. other than his own, that he did not want,ban, confiscate or outright steal. In contrast the new Da Mayor appear willing to whore himself out to the highest bidder, from Robert Stacy McCain, American Spectator [1]:

De Blasio’s Horse-Drawn Carriage Ban: Is It Really About Campaign Cash?

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s promise to ban New York City’s iconic horse-drawn carriages could backfire, exposing what the newly-elected mayor’s critics suggest is a corruption scandal masquerading as an animal-rights crusade. Defenders of the carriage industry point to a real-estate executive who is one of de Blasio’s major campaign donors as the driving force behind the effort to abolish the carriages.

Hat tip and more, McCain: [2]

Earlier today I talked about how Mayor Bill de Blasio’s agenda will turn New York City into a squalid nightmare. He has chosen an odd starting spot for his effort to destroy the city’s economy: About 200 people who earn their living as horse-drawn carriage drivers.

If de Blasio bankrupts New York City, he can take the entire state, and Mario, Jr’s presidential aspirations with him.