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Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain Over There

So, now, the White House has decided that it is fair to say they were wrong on attending or not attending the anti terror march in Paris. [1]
Several points. First of all this administration couldn’t possibly have cared less when four Americans died in Benghazi. Secondly this administration couldn’t possibly have cared less about that woman who was beheaded in Oklahoma by an Islamist. Thirdly, this is an administration that went out of its way to minimize the connection between Islam and the 13 murders at Fort Hood. Everybody else saw it but this administration. Same goes for the four people that were murdered at the Boston Marathon. And so on, and so on.

Now, I don’t know about you, but the history of this thing tells me that this is far more than a mere oversight. And I am left with one conclusion.

image [2]

Addendum: Eric

McPhillips passes on an IBD story [3] the touches directly on these matters. Nice to see I’m not the only one that’s noticing the pattern.